Firstly, thank you to all of you have ordered online during various stages of differing lockdowns worldwide. Your parcels shall be leaving India soon - our test parcel was a success and we will proceed with getting your orders out - thanks for you patience! Also, those who donated 'vege packs'; our Holi Boli community felt amazed that people around the world were thinking of the them during a pandemic. And we were able to help out a few staff families who experienced hardship during their lockdown. Your support makes a huge difference.
There are many 'causes' in the world at the moment. Good causes! Things that need to be addressed! One of the slogans used in the New Zealand Covid-19 lockdown was 'Be Kind'. I can't help but consider that this is possibly one of the greatest causes in all time. Being kind! If we would consider that true kindness is when a person treats another person with respect and love - dignity. This is the type of love that serves. It involves giving up something to someone in need. I wonder if we got back to one of the oldest causes in the world - loving kindness - then we might automatically cover a few of the current 'causes' in one go!
"Treat others how you would like them to treat you!" (My Mum)
Each doing our little bit of loving kindness might be a movement that changes the world. Thank you to those who have shown our Holi Boli community that loving kindness. Please continue to help us love on our sisters in rural India.