2018 August - New Zealand Fashion Weekend Here We Come!

Exciting Holi Boli news....

Wow!  It is amazing how life turns out.  When I chose to come live in the backwoods of India I thought I had traded all the glitter and glam of the fashion world for the heat and dust of beautiful India.  Apparently not!  I am going to the New Zealand Fashion Week (NZFW)  all because of another NZ woman's dream to empower women in rural India.  Jodie Woods started Tonic & Cloth a few years ago and after a chance meeting with Jodie and we hit it off; our universes were very much aligned.  Holi Boli is now proudly manufacturing for Tonic & Cloth.  Just recently, Jodie got a phone call from the people at 'Good Magazine' and was invited to be part of their Sustainability Section at the end of the NZFW in what is being called New Zealand Fashion Weekend.  In turn, Jodie invited me to join her.  Holi Boli have just finished making the outfits for the models.  I am heading to NZ to join Jodie and friends in Auckland for the NZFW.  WOW!  I am super excited and incredibly grateful.  It is funny how life turns out.  This is a dream come true for any NZ fashionista!  Watch Jodie tell the Tonic & Cloth story in an interview below (I am in there on her computer for a bit - LOL):

You gotta love how crazy life turns out.  It will be a pretty quick trip to NZ.  I will spend time with my son who is living with my parents doing year 11.  I will get to see a few Napierites and Hamiltonians.  But mainly I will be in Auckland, which is great, I will be meeting a few people there who I haven't seen in ages and a few for the first time who have been such great influences of Holi Boli without even knowing me.  That always amazes me, people can be so generous!  

OK,  Thanks for letting me share my excitement.  Lots of love to all you sisters!

Kindest Regards,
Ana and the Holi Boli Team.  #loveyoursisters #holiboli



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